New Web Fonts
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For quite some time, I have been using web fonts from TypeKit on this website. Being as miserly as I am, I kept using the free Trial plan that only allowed me to use two fonts on a single website. Since I run another website, I resorted to using two very lovely TypeKit fonts on this blog and using somewhat uglier Google Web Fonts on the other one. I had been tempted to upgrade to a paid plan—the Personal plan offers up to five fonts on two websites—but when Adobe bought TypeKit, paying for a plan was suddenly less urgent.
Since my web traffic has been climbing over the last few months, I decided that I could splurge on the TypeKit Personal plan for both websites. It would allow me to have a larger selection of fonts at my disposal for this site and my professional site.
Here are the fonts I chose and how I am deploying them.
The Professional Site
For two semesters, I had been using Adobe’s "Source Sans Pro," a font that Adobe had released as open source. The font is very versatile and was well suited for both paragraphs and headings. Until yesterday, this site used only this single font.
Starting now, I am using Tablet Gothic Wide by TypeTogether for the headings on the site. The "paragraph" font, which is a bit of a misnomer because I am also using for lists, footers, and certain headings, is Museo Sans by exljbris. I have always liked the look of this font since the Film Society of Lincoln Center began using it for their site. It also makes a nice substitute for the ubiquitous Gotham.
The Personal Site
I am using three fonts on this site. For as long as I can remember, I have been using Depot New Web by Moretype for the headings, and even today, I have yet to tire looking at it. Even with upgrading to the Personal plan, I remain committed to using it. Since it looks so nice on my professional site, I am using Museo Sans for the paragraphs on this site, too. Since I occasionally use monospaced text for code, I have selected Anonymous Pro by Mark Simonson Studio.
Although I really like the way that these fonts look on both sites, I still have the flexibility to tweak the look by selecting a different font. For example, I really like Franklin Gothic but it doesn’t come in a 100 italic weight. I need a native italic for the paragraphs because I italicize a fair amount of text.