Not the Same Juan…

A recent Google Alert found that my name was mentioned in a news or blog post. Almost every time, I get someone else that isn’t me, and this is what happened in this case.


SATURDAY, Feb. 9: Don’t let the name fool you: F*** Fest #3 is only an orgy of the non-literal, artistic kind. The day-long festival, organized by the longtime Capitol Hill studio-space-meets-incubator Studio Current, features live performance, music, video screenings, snacks and “cheap drinks”. Look out for film screenings with sound scores by DJ Onesies, performances by Nic Masangkay, GRIEF GIRLS and Angel Alviar-Langley, among others, as well as drag performances by Sugar Darling, Juan Monroy, and Angel Baby Kill Kill Kill. FYI: Right before the clock strikes midnight, the party moves to Vermillion’s dance floor. Studio Current, 2 PM – 11.30 PM

For the record, the last time a Google Alert was about me was in June 2017, after public radio station KPCC published an article about crime in downtown Los Angeles. They used a photo that I shot and posted on Flickr. When they credited me as the source of the photo, it trigged the Google Alert.

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